1.1.2 Ageing Demo, Improvements, and Fixes


  • Added a berry bush which gains resources as the world ages (currently set to hourly changes of +1 berry count on age change)
  • Changes shown sprite when count > 0 to show berries available
  • Uses AgeingComponent with a local AgeState resource, connected to the demo_world_age_state to manage age changes.
  • Uses add when ageing component to increase the berry counter on the main scene script


  • Simplified age progression with progress_world_age function. When increasing from game seconds, the world age state current and total ages increases whenever game time changes properly. The age state emits age_reached only when a full age unit is reached (which is usually the signal you want to respond to for actual game changes that need to occur at those full intervals). See age_reached and total_age_reached in AgeState class.
  • Updated  and validated tests for WorldAgeSystem, AgeState, and AgeingComponent classes. 


  • Now creates a unique local_state on ready rather than assigning one in the inspector. This is much easier to manage rather than accidentally assigning the incorrect local state.


  • References the local AgeingComponent rather than manually assigning the local age state to acquire it. This ensures that the AddWhenAgeingComponent will always use the same local AgeState as the AgeingComponent and hook up properly.
  • Now increments on age_changed instead of total_age_changed so it doesn't add extra count during scene replacement. This is inline with the intended purpose that it only starts ageing after the current replacement scene is ready.


  • Fixed a bug where SceneReplacement was creating a new local AgeState on the replacement scene AgeingComponent rather than modifying the values on the existing one.
  • Fixed a bug where SceneReplacement could create multiple of the replacement scene before the old scene clears. It will now only replace once.


World Time v1.1.2 - Plugin & Demo [Godot 4.4] 1.9 MB
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