1.4 Update - New Gatherer, Scripted Demo, Particle Effects, and Animated Floating Bridge

Hey guys! Big update for this pack.

Main features of 1.4

  • Scripted out a demo in Unity with gathering mechanics, spawning of pickups after harvesting, resource collection, and a simple inventory. You can use this as the basis for your game if you want. For animating the tools with the spritesheet, I used unity animator transform properties to position the tools for each frame of animation. Since the tools follow the same format of 16x16 size and handle in the bottom left, swapping the sprites works for most of the tools in the swing animation.

  • Animated the floating bridge rafts to make the scenes more lively
  • Remade Gatherer Character and animations for all four directions (Idle, Walk, Swing animations)

  • Unity project has the files setup out of the box so things like sprite pivot points and pixel art sprite settings are mostly set up out of the box.

The main goals of this update were to make a usable demo to give a good indication of how the assets can be used and to recreate a better gatherer character to better match the set. In creating the demo, there are several new particle effects created in unity in the pack as well as the floating bridge animation.


GatherersExteriorPack-1.4-UnityProject.zip 775 kB
Feb 14, 2023
GatherersExteriorPack-1.4.unitypackage 605 kB
Feb 14, 2023
GatherersExterior-1.4-ArtOnly.zip 130 kB
Feb 14, 2023

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