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Plugin that helps you make gatherable object nodes, drop loot tables, and pickups for your Godot 4 games. Currently supports 2D games built in Godot 4.0+.

Video Tutorial for Spawning Items

Here's a preview of the main systems and components in this plugin

=== Gathering ===

  • GatherableComponent - Gives the scene the ability to have items gathered from it until the GatherableComponent is depleted
  • AutoGathererComponent - Harvests a node after a number of real world seconds passes
  • AddAfterSecondsComponent - Calls the add(int) method on another node when a number of real world seconds passes.  This can be used for renewing additional gathers on the GatherableComponent node.

=== Pickups ===

  • PickupComponent -  Marks a scene as being able to be picked up
    and contains the resource and count for a pickup action
  • TakePickupsComponent - Gives a scene the ability to take pickups from the game world when they enter the trigger_area

=== Drops ===

  • DropsComponent - Marks a object or character having the capacity to drop scenes (Items or anything else you can put in PackedScene)
  • DropsGenerator - Runs odds against possible drops to determine which scene items should drop when generate_drops is called
  • DropsTable - Define odd for each scene to be dropped (instanced as a 2d object) into the game world

=== Scene Spawner ===

  • LaunchForceSceneSpawner2D -  Adds an immediate impulse force to every RigidBody2D spawned by the spawner to cause initial movement
  • ShapeEdgeSceneSpawner2D - Spawns scenes randomly along the edge of a collision shape
  • SpawnedMoveOnSpawnComponent2D - Makes scenes spawned by a scene spawner gain a component script that moves the spawned scene for a one shot time after it is instanced into the game

=== Item Drops Signal Bus ===

  • Holds most signals sent by plugin scripts. Share this resource across other nodes that want to receive pickup, item dropping, and gathering signals so they can respond to the data being emitted (ex. HUD display)


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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $18 USD. You will get access to the following files:

item_drops-0.3.1.zip 15 kB

Development log


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(4 edits)

Not sure where is best to contact you. The code runs through with no errors, but never actually spawns anything into the game world. 

I can spawn items from my loot chest no problem with the same scene I use in your DropsComponent.

when I call the " drops_component.spawn_drops(1.0) "

nothin is spawned into the world. Any help would be great thanks.

The spawn point when the code is run shows the correct spawn location as well

drops_to_spawn in the DropsComponent also shows the correct packedscene

However, after the code is run and checking the child count in the PickupsGroupNode, it is still 0

Any help here would be spectacular thanks.

So I tracked down the issue. As the only spawner that now works appears to be the spawn_scene_at_point

That chunk was however missing the add_child(instance)
just added that and it works great.

In process of a move at the moment but if you ping me on https://discord.com/invite/vxMuaeZd I can help out if you run into any other issues next week

Appreciate that thanks. I got it all sorted with the parent call and all as well. My smooth brain sometimes needs a little longer than some to wrap my head around some one elses' code lol

spawn_parent.call_deferred("add_child", instance)

Again appreciate the response. 

Cant wait for a tutorial on this add-on. Your videos on the grid_building and world_time made them really easy to implement.

Thanks it's going to come with an update to the plugin too. Trying to get it out there after this grid builder plugin update I'm working on atm.


Awesome, glad to hear it! Appreciate all the work you do!